Ayo belajar asik bareng Kelas Pintar!
Kelas Pintar memberikan solusi belajar lengkap untuk siswa SD, SMP, sampai SMA yang bisa akses setiap hari. Kamu bisa belajar sesuai dengan karakter masing-masing, baik secara visual, audio, maupun kinestetik. Dengan metode belajar interaktif dari Kelas Pintar, belajar menjadi lebih mudah dan efektif!
Metode belajar Learn, Practice, Test.
- Learn
Materi pembelajaran yang menyeluruh dengan pendalaman konsep belajar, video animasi, multimedia interaktif maupun e-book
- Practice
Penguatan konsep melalui latihan soal dalam bentuk HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills), Virtual Lab dan VBQ (Value Based Questions)
- Test
Evaluasi menyeluruh dari proses belajar kamu dalam bentuk Tes Adaptif, Soal Pilihan Ganda, Tes Periodik
Ditujukan buat kamu yang kebingungan menjawab soal-soal yang sulit. Melalui fitur TANYA, kamu bisa bertanya semua pelajaran secara GRATIS kepada guru-guru yang ahli di bidangnya, dan siap untuk menjawab pertanyaan kamu secara cepat dan komprehensif.
Fitur SOAL
Menyediakan puluhan ribu materi soal terbaik untuk mempersiapkan kamu menghadapi Ulangan Harian, Ujian Semester, maupun Ujian Nasional. Tantang teman kamu mengerjakan soal di Quiz dan uji coba kemampuan kamu di berbagai Tryout yang tersedia.
- Kelas Pintar, Made Learning Easy and Effective -
Come learn cool together Smart Class!
Smart Class provides complete learning solutions for elementary, middle, and high school students who can access every day. You can learn according to each character, both visually, audio, and kinesthetic. With interactive learning methods from Smart Classes, learning becomes easier and more effective!
Learning methods Learn, Practice, Test.
- Learn
Comprehensive learning material with a deepening of learning concepts, animated videos, interactive multimedia and e-books
- practice
Strengthening concepts through practice exercises in the form of HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills), Virtual Labs and VBQ (Value Based Questions)
- Test
A thorough evaluation of your learning process in the form of Adaptive Tests, Multiple Choice Questions, Periodic Tests
Aimed at those of you who are confused answering difficult questions. Through the QUESTION feature, you can ask all lessons for FREE to teachers who are experts in their fields, and are ready to answer your questions quickly and comprehensively.
PROB Features
Provides tens of thousands of the best question material to prepare you for the Daily Exams, Semester Exams, and National Exams. Challenge your friends to work on questions in Quiz and test your skills in the various tryouts available.
- Smart Class, Made Learning Easy and Effective -